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・ Index of physics articles (P)

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Index of physics articles (B) : ウィキペディア英語版
Index of physics articles (B)
The index of physics articles is split into multiple pages due to its size.
To navigate by individual letter use the table of contents below.

*B-theory of time
*B. V. Bowden, Baron Bowden
*B2FH paper
*BBGKY hierarchy
*BCS: 50 Years (book)
*BCS theory
*BF model
*BKL singularity
*BL Lac object
*BOOMERanG experiment
*BPST instanton
*BRST formalism
*BRST quantization
*BTZ black hole
*BTeV experiment
*B Reactor
*B meson
*B − L
*BaBar experiment
*Baby brane
*Bach tensor
*Back pressure
*Back scattering alignment
*Background-oriented schlieren technique
*Background count
*Background field method
*Background independence
*Background noise
*Background radiation
*Backscatter X-ray
*Backward-wave media
*Backward wave oscillator
*Bad Science: The Short Life and Weird Times of Cold Fusion
*Bagger–Lambert–Gustavsson action
*Bagnold formula
*Bahram Mashhoon
*Baien Tomlin
*Baikal Deep Underwater Neutrino Telescope
*Bainbridge mass spectrometer
*Baksan Neutrino Observatory
*Bak–Tang–Wiesenfeld sandpile
*Baldwin–Lomax model
*Balfour Stewart
*Ball bearing motor
*Ball lightning
*Ballistic coefficient
*Ballistic conduction
*Ballistic galvanometer
*Ballistic pendulum
*Ballistic reentry
*Ballistic transport
*Balmer series
*Balseiro Institute
*Balthasar van der Pol
*Balázs Győrffy
*Banana equivalent dose
*Band bending
*Band diagram
*Band gap
*Band mapping
*Band of stability
*Band offset
*Bandwidth-limited pulse
*Banesh Hoffmann
*Bangladesh Council of Scientific and Industrial Research
*Banked turn
*Banks–Zaks fixed point
*Barber–Layden–Power effect
*Bare mass
*Bargeboard (aerodynamics)
*Bargmann's limit
*Bargmann–Wigner equations
*Barkhausen effect
*Barlow's law
*Barlow lens
*Barn (unit)
*Barnett effect
*Barotropic vorticity equation
*Barrel (disambiguation)
*Barrett–Crane model
*Barry M. McCoy
*Barry Simon
*Barton's Pendulums
*Barton Zwiebach
*Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey
*Baryon acoustic oscillations
*Baryon asymmetry
*Baryon number
*Baryon spectroscopy
*Baryonic dark matter
*Bas Pease
*Bascom S. Deaver
*Base conditions
*Bashir Syed
*Basic concepts of quantum mechanics
*Basic physics of the violin
*Basil Hiley
*Basil Schonland
*Basilis C. Xanthopoulos
*Bass trap
*Basset force
*Basset–Boussinesq–Oseen equation
*Batalin–Vilkovisky formalism
*Batchelor vortex
*Bathochromic shift
*Battelle Memorial Institute
*Beale number
*Beam crossing
*Beam diameter
*Beam divergence
*Beam dump
*Beam emittance
*Beam expander
*Beam homogenizer
*Beam parameter product
*Beam propagation method
*Beam splitter
*Beard and Chuang model
*Beat (acoustics)
*Beatrice Tinsley
*Beaufort scale
*Beckmann thermometer
*Bedford Level experiment
*Beer–Lambert law
*Beetle (ASIC)
*Behavior of nuclear fuel during a reactor accident
*Behram Kurşunoğlu
*Beijing Electron–Positron Collider II
*Bejan number
*Bekenstein bound
*Bel decomposition
*Belinski–Zakharov transform
*Bell's spaceship paradox
*Bell's theorem
*Bell Labs
*Bell mouth
*Bell test experiments
*Belle experiment
*Belousov–Zhabotinsky reaction
*Belt of Venus
*Beltrami vector field
*Ben Lockspeiser
*Ben Roy Mottelson
*Bending moment
*Benedict Friedlaender
*Benedict–Webb–Rubin equation
*Bengt Edlén
*Benjamin Fain
*Benjamin Markarian
*Benjamin Schumacher
*Benjamin W. Lee
*Benjamin–Bona–Mahony equation
*Bennett Lewis
*Benny Lautrup
*Beno Gutenberg
*Benoît Paul Émile Clapeyron
*Berendsen thermostat
*Bergmann's rule
*Berkeley Physics Course
*Bernard Brunhes (physicist)
*Bernard Cohen (physicist)
*Bernard Eastlund
*Bernard F. Schutz
*Bernard H. Lavenda
*Bernard Haisch
*Bernard Julia
*Bernard Katz
*Bernard Lovell
*Bernard Picinbono
*Bernard T. Feld
*Bernard d'Espagnat
*Bernard de Wit
*Bernardo Huberman
*Bernhard Caesar Einstein
*Bernhard Philberth
*Bernhard Schmidt
*Bernoulli's principle
*Berry connection and curvature
*Bert Broer
*Bert Schroer
*Berta Karlik
*Bertha Swirles
*Bertram Batlogg
*Bertram Boltwood
*Bertram Brockhouse
*Bertram Eugene Warren
*Bertrand's theorem
*Bertrand Halperin
*Beta-decay stable isobars
*Beta (plasma physics)
*Beta (velocity)
*Beta barium borate
*Beta decay
*Beta function (disambiguation)
*Beta function (physics)
*Beta particle
*Beta plane
*Beta rays
*Bethe ansatz
*Bethe formula
*Bethe lattice
*Bethe–Bloch formula
*Bethe–Feynman formula
*Bethe–Salpeter equation
*Bethe–Weizsäcker formula
*Bethe–Weizsäcker process
*Betti's theorem
*Betz' law
*Beverly Clock
*Beyond Einstein (book)
*Beyond Einstein program
*Bhabha scattering
*Bhatnagar–Gross–Krook operator
*Bhāskara's wheel
*Bi-hemispherical reflectance
*Bi-isotropic material
*Bi-scalar tensor vector gravity
*Biaxial nematic
*Bibliography of popular physics books
*Bicycle and motorcycle dynamics
*Bidirectional reflectance distribution function
*Bidirectional scattering distribution function
*Biefeld–Brown effect
*Biermann battery
*Bifilar coil
*Bifurcation theory
*Big Bang
*Big Bang (book)
*Big Bang nucleosynthesis
*Big Bounce
*Big Crunch
*Big European Bubble Chamber
*Big Freeze
*Big Rip
*Bill Wattenburg
*Billiard-ball computer
*Bimetallic strip
*Bimetric theory
*Binary entropy function
*Binary pulsar
*Binary star
*Binder parameter
*Binding energy
*Binet equation
*Bingham plastic
*Binocular disparity
*Biological thermodynamics
*Biological transmutation
*Bion (physics)
*Biophysical Journal
*Biophysical Society
*Biophysical techniques
*Biot number
*Biot–Savart law
*Birch's law
*Birch–Murnaghan equation of state
*Bird flight
*Birkeland current
*Birkhoff's theorem (electromagnetism)
*Birkhoff's theorem (relativity)
*Birmingham Solar Oscillations Network
*Bismuth strontium calcium copper oxide
*Bispectral analysis
*Bistatic Doppler shift
*Bistatic range
*Bit-string physics
*Bjarne Tromborg
*Bjerrum defect
*Björn Engquist
*Bjørn Wiik
*Black-Body Theory and the Quantum Discontinuity
*Black-hole cosmology
*BlackLight Power
*Black Holes and Time Warps
*Black Star (semiclassical gravity)
*Black body
*Black brane
*Black hole
*Black hole bomb
*Black hole complementarity
*Black hole electron
*Black hole information paradox
*Black hole starship
*Black hole thermodynamics
*Black light
*Black noise
*Black silicon
*Black star (semiclassical gravity)
*Black string
*Blackbody infrared radiative dissociation
*Blackburn pendulum
*Blackett effect
*Blade element theory
*Blade pitch
*Blaise Pascal
*Blake number
*Blandford–Znajek process
*Blas Cabrera
*Blas Cabrera Felipe
*Blasius boundary layer
*Blast wave
*Blended wing body
*Blinking colloidal nanocrystals
*Bloch-Grüneisen temperature
*Bloch wall
*Bloch wave
*Bloch wave – MoM method
*Bloom (test)
*Blown flap
*Blue laser
*Blue shift
*Bo Sundqvist
*Bo Thidé
*Bob (physics)
*Bob White (geophysicist)
*Body centred cubic metal
*Body moment
*Boeing X-53 Active Aeroelastic Wing
*Bogdan Maglich
*Bogdanov Affair
*Bogoliubov transformation
*Bogoliubov–Parasyuk theorem
*Bogolyubov Prize (NASU)
*Bogolyubov Prize for young scientists
*Bogomol'nyi-Prasad-Sommerfield bound
*Bogomol'nyi–Prasad–Sommerfield bound
*Bohm diffusion
*Bohr magneton
*Bohr model
*Bohr radius
*Bohr–Einstein debates
*Bohr–Sommerfeld theory
*Bohr–van Leeuwen theorem
*Bohumil Kučera
*Boiling point
*Bolometric correction
*Boltzmann's entropy formula
*Boltzmann-Matano analysis
*Boltzmann Medal
*Boltzmann constant
*Boltzmann distribution
*Boltzmann entropy
*Boltzmann equation
*Boltzmann factor
*Boltzmann relation
*Bond albedo
*Bond number
*Bondi k-calculus
*Bonding in solids
*Bonnard J. Teegarden
*Bonner sphere
*Bonnet's theorem
*Bonnor beam
*Boojum (superfluidity)
*Book of Optics
*Bootstrap model
*Bootstrap paradox
*Borda–Carnot equation
*Boris Aleksandrovich Mamyrin
*Boris Altshuler
*Boris Bakhmeteff
*Boris Borisovich Galitzine
*Boris Chirikov
*Boris Gerasimovich
*Boris Hessen
*Boris Kerner
*Boris Laschka
*Boris Nikolsky
*Boris P. Stoicheff
*Boris Pavlovich Belousov
*Boris Podolsky
*Boris Rauschenbach
*Boris Vorontsov-Velyaminov
*Born approximation
*Born coordinates
*Born probability
*Born rigidity
*Born rule
*Born–Huang approximation
*Born–Infeld model
*Born–Infeld theory
*Born–von Karman boundary condition
*Borrmann effect
*Bose gas
*Bose–Einstein condensate
*Bose–Einstein condensation (network theory)
*Bose–Einstein correlations
*Bose–Einstein statistics
*Bose–Hubbard model
*Boson star
*Bosonic field
*Bosonic string theory
*Bottom Lambda baryon
*Bottom eta meson
*Bottom quark
*Bouguer's law
*Bouguer anomaly
*Bouguer plate
*Bound state
*Boundary-layer thickness
*Boundary conformal field theory
*Boundary element method
*Boundary layer
*Boundary layer control
*Boundary layer suction
*Boundary layer transition
*Boundary lubrication
*Boussinesq approximation (buoyancy)
*Boussinesq approximation (water waves)
*Bousso's holographic bound
*Bow shocks in astrophysics
*Bow shock (aerodynamics)
*Bow wave
*Bowen ratio
*Box orbit
*Boyce McDaniel
*Boyd Bartlett
*Boyer–Lindquist coordinates
*Boyle's law
*Bra–ket notation
*Brackett series
*Bragg's law
*Bragg diffraction
*Bragg peak
*Bragg–Gray cavity theory
*Braid statistics
*Brake force
*Bram van Leer
*Branches of physics
*Branching fraction
*Brandon Carter
*Brane cosmology
*Brans–Dicke theory
*Bravais lattice
*Brayton cycle
*Breaking wave
*Breakthrough Propulsion Physics Program
*Brebis Bleaney
*Bred vector
*Breit equation
*Bremermann's limit
*Brendan Scaife
*Breve (software)
*Brewster's angle
*Brewster angle microscope
*Brian Cox (physicist)
*Brian David Josephson
*Brian Greene
*Brian L. DeMarco
*Brian May
*Brian Pippard
*Brian Schmidt
*Brian Spalding
*Brian Swimme
*Bridge scour
*Bridgman's thermodynamic equations
*Bridgman effect
*Bridgman–Stockbarger technique
*Brightest cluster galaxy
*Brillouin and Langevin functions
*Brillouin scattering
*Brillouin zone
*Brinell scale
*Brinkman number
*Brinkmann coordinates
*British Atomic Scientists Association
*British Geophysical Association
*Broad iron K line
*Broken symmetry
*Brooke Benjamin
*Brookhaven National Laboratory
*Brosl Hasslacher
*Brown dwarf
*Brown dwarf desert
*Brownian dynamics
*Brownian motor
*Brownian noise
*Brownian ratchet
*Bruce Allen (physicist)
*Bruce Bolt
*Bruce Cork
*Bruce H. Billings
*Bruce Maccabee
*Bruce Winstein
*Bruno Augenstein
*Bruno Bertotti
*Bruno Pontecorvo
*Bruno Rossi
*Bruno Rossi Prize
*Bruno Thüring
*Bruno Touschek
*Bruno Zumino
*Brunt–Väisälä frequency
*Bruria Kaufman
*Brush discharge
*Bryan Higgins
*Bryce DeWitt
*Bubble chamber
*Bubble fusion
*Bubble ring
*Bubble universe theory
*Bucket argument
*Buckingham (unit)
*Buckingham π theorem
*Buckley–Leverett equation
*Bud Grace
*Buffer (optical fiber)
*Building engineering physics
*Bulk density
*Bulk modulus
*Bulk temperature
*Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists
*Bulletin of the Lebedev Physics Institute
*Bullough–Dodd model
*Bumblebee models
*Bunching parameter
*Bunji Sakita
*Bunsaku Arakatsu
*Burgers' equation
*Burgers material
*Burgers vector
*Burkard Hillebrands
*Burkhard Heim
*Burns temperature
*Burst noise
*Burt Ovrut
*Burton Richter
*Busemann's Biplane
*Buttered cat paradox
*Butterfly effect
*Béla Karlovitz
*Bülent Atalay
*B–Bbar oscillation

抄文引用元・出典: フリー百科事典『 ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)
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